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 TECHNICS_ punching with 5 needles + hand embroidery
YARN_strips of light weigth jersey + DMC 310
FABRICS_discarded heavy-weight jersey for base and patched

This sample shows how a simple buttonhole stitch becomes special when applied out of its original context, blown-up in size, and executed in an onobvious material. The large buttonhole stitches are made of strips of the same jersey as used for the earlier showcased fold-over technique.

The shine and degree of curling up suit the application well. The stitches slightly fan out to the outside and come together in sturdy knots on the inside of the hole. To emphasize the disproportionately big dimensions, the other side of the hole was lined with the same stitch hand embroidered in DMC. First, a rowof small, densely spaced stitches was applied, followed by a row of longer and more widely spaced stitches. To stand up, in every sense of the word, against the powerful gesture of the jersey stitches, the spaced-out stitches were pulled hard to obtain a raised effect.To visualize the impression of a fossil backbone, while stabilizing the fabric around the holes, the abstracted shapes of vertebrae were punched on to the carrier.

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